Elliott and Simone's World Tour

This bloggers blog page is the journal for the journey that Simone and I are taking around the world.

Monday, January 22, 2007

The Lakes Entrance

The Lake Entrance was an intresting place... We arrived on the bus around 12 midnight, so we found our campsite and set up our brand new tent, blew up our brand new light weight airbed and unzipped our brand new sleeping bed we were going to use as a warm blanket. We were pretty impressed with our palace, until we realised, that the air bed was not only too small to fit 2 people and was made probably for half a person, but our 'blanket' was a child size sleeping bag that only reached below our chests! Luckily Australia being a pretty warm place, we survived the night.

The next morning we met the rest of the residence of the campsite, which apart from the few obligatory Japenese tourists, everyone seemed to be related - we were soon to find out this was a place full of real 'locals'. Some hd front teeth missing, many had complex relationships with each other having children all over the place and on more than one occasion we walked past the sound of a twangy guitar folk music. Everyone, however was so friendly, where people called Elliott 'brother' and called me 'doll'.

The first day there we tried in vain to get a day trip out of the lakes Entrance, but becasue of the bush fires the roads were closed off. You just dont realise the extent of the problem they have in this area for lack of water and fires. The campsite owner had to keep door closed to stop the ash from blowing in. Instead we went for a walk in the semi rain to the several lookout points along the bay which were quite beautiful.

We got back cooked a bit of lunch in the kitchen area which only apparently Elliott and I used. It was pretty spooky in there - it was decorated in intresting 70s decor, had an old black and white TV with one channel, plastic flaps on the outside of all the window that banged in the breeze and it smelt pretty wierd as well. We had a whole plan of a walk we were going to do, but in the end we just lazed about in the sunshine wondering what the hell we were going to do with half an air bed. It was nice just to have a rest and do nothing. That night we got some real cheapo burgers - that were like 10 for $4 and were planning to cleverly spread them in 3 meals. We cooked them in the bbq area next to some Japenese tourists that had massive steaks, and had so many they fed one to the fat cat! Im sure our burgers tasted much better.

The next night was much more comfortable, we had bought another air mattress and also used the blanket and pillow we sneaked off Singapore airlines. That day we had planned another massive tour of the island opposit. The heat was incredible. We had started down the track with was mainly hot sand, before we decided we didnt have enough water for the entire think. Plus the bushes were pretty close together and the chance of bumping in to snakes was very possible, so instead we headed to the 90 mile beach, which was really nice - white sand and blue sea as far as you could see. The funny thing ws that becasue the sea was so rough, only a very small section of the beach was patrolled by life guards - not more than 100m. So this small area was packed full people and the rest of the beach had about 3 people on it. The beach had no shade anywhere near it, so instead we went back to the campsite and braved the smell to avoid mid day sun. If anything the Lakes Entrance was a total rest, mainly becasue of the lack of things to do but also becasue of the scorching sun. That night we were back on the bus on our way to Sydney. x


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