Elliott and Simone's World Tour

This bloggers blog page is the journal for the journey that Simone and I are taking around the world.

Monday, December 04, 2006

Journey to Goa

We left Rajasthan to journey South to Goa for some well needed relaxation. Although Goa has been amazing the journey there was another story altogether. From Udiapur we took an 8 and half hour train overnight to Amahbad, which at the outset didnt seem to be that bad becasue it was a sleeper train, but it ended up freezing cold, because people kept opening the door as the train was moving, and uncomfortable. The toilet were disgusting - not more than a hole - so you can imagine what the platform smelt like!! After a 2 and half hour wait at the station we got on the next train to Mumbai which was worse yet becasue it was a seater train with fans - so come mid day the only thing blowing through the windows was hot air. As the train was called an 'express' train and was a shorter distance then the previous train we thought it would be 4 hours - how wrong were we!! After a few hours we realised the train was arriving at 4:30 making the journet 9 and a half hours. eek!!! Mumbai has to be the worst place we have ever been to - the traffic, poverty and humidity was horrific. After faffing about changing train tickets, finding someone who could speak English to get to the right counter to by our obwards train ticket to Goa, we found out out train ticket was cancelled, so Elliott had to spend ages going to bus counters to find a last minute bus. We very very luckily managed to find a 14 hour bus to Goa - at this point we didnt care and had to get out of Mumbai. Surprisingly the bus was the most comfortable transport we had taken. By the time we had reached Goa we had travelled 40 hours straight!!!

Ahhhhh - we had arrived in gorgeous Goa to my parents flat - which cam complete with air conditioning that didnt sound like it was about to explode, a hot shower, a non leaking toilet, chocolate and beer in the fridge - you would not believe how much you miss the simple things! (Thanks mum and dad you completely SAVED us). This past week in Goa has passed us with amazing speed. We've just been chilling out to the max on the beach, and the food is amazing - my favourite. I absoultely love it here, its been a real holiday! Both of us are really tanned, I cant imagine what we'll be like in 6 months! Anyway, hope everyone is well - until the next blog xx


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