Elliott and Simone's World Tour

This bloggers blog page is the journal for the journey that Simone and I are taking around the world.

Friday, January 26, 2007

Sydney and the Blue mountains

Yo pommies,

And on with the third installment of the blog writing episodes in the land of OZ. We arrived in Sydney sometime in the morning and from here we got straight on to the next train bound for the blue mountains. It took around 2 hours to reach the beautiful blue mountains. We got there mid-day and sorted ourselves out with a quality hostel with camping space at the rear. We pitched the tent in a prime spot and got down some relaxation with fellow guests. The hostel we stayed at was so quality because we paid camping prices but still had all the luxuries of a hostel (kitchen, hot showers, TV room, social area outside etc). We spent the evening socialising with other brits, frenchies, hermans and among other nationalities. Had a good sing-song and chatted about our travels.
The next day we woke up pretty early to get some good hiking in as we knew there was so many good things to discover in the area by foot. The views were just fantastic - unbelievable, infact I would probably say I could never get bored of them. Before we started out on the walk we looked at the info boards on what sorts of animals we were likely to see. There was the usual bush animals and then a new one, the Death Adder, this one we didn't want to meet... We did see a few types of cool animals though. We saw a lyrabird. The cool thing about this bird is that it imitates all of the other birds in the bush. Very funny. We saw loads of lizards and small snakes running along the ground or up trees. Amongst other animals and wicked trees/vegetation.
To get an idea of what the blue mountains looks like, both Sim and I decided that it was like the grand canyon but filled with green rain forest and bush. Also when you look out across the lookouts you can see a distinct blue shade to the rolling mountains. This is due to the eucalyptus oil coming off the eucalyptus trees. At the end of the walk we decided to take the train back up the mountain to the top. Not just any ordinary train though. It is the steepest angle at which a train travels in the world. Funny thing was no-one wanted to sit right at the front, so obviously we decided to jump straight on at the front. We found out why when we nearly lost our day bag out of the front of the train. The angle it travels up at the steepest point is 70 degrees... OUCH. Pretty steep. All in all we walked a good 15km this day up and down the mountains (we both feel much fitter and much better walkers now). At the end of this day our legs were very tired but it was well worth it. That evening we spent another evening in the hostel chilling out and chatting to the others who were also staying there. That evening we also got a visit from 2 really cute possums. I kept pretending to grab hold of one of them and he kept looking like he was going to jump on me, (which I didn't really want it to do) I was just kidding with everyone else. Funny episode all the same.
The next morning Simone and I decided that we wanted to do different activities that day (for the first time in the trip). Simone went to the Wentworth falls and I decided to go swimming with some of the others in the hostel. We both had a really nice day, it was quite nice to have a little break from each other, seen as though we had spent every minute with each other for the last 2.5 months. She saw some really pretty waterfalls and cascades, while I chilled out by the public pool in Katoomba (the town which connects people to the blue mountains). I met some really cool people at the hostel, that I got on with really well. Another evening of drinking and social activities went well and a real good laugh.
We did get some rain for the first time in Australia, here in the Blue mountains. It wasn't a patch on the UK weather but rain all the same. Much needed rain at that, as OZ is in a serious draught at the moment. So good for the Ozzies not too great for the tourists. The next morning we packed up our tent, said goodbye to our new found friends and got on the next train back to Sydney...

PS - We both had a really full on, but relaxing time in the blue mountains that neither of us will ever forget. Brilliant (recommend to all).


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good words.

9:45 PM  

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