Elliott and Simone's World Tour

This bloggers blog page is the journal for the journey that Simone and I are taking around the world.

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Queenstown - Simone

Queenstown was awesome. I didn't manage to do a bungee jump but going out on to the 'pod' above the ravine watching Elliott jump was pretty scary was enough. I was so nervous and I wasn't even doing anything! While I was stood there I thought- this actually might be cool, so I think I'm going to do one in Auckland. I'm pretty sure i have in the past vowed never to do such a foolish activity, but I guess after jumping out of a plane I reckon I could do it ... maybe!

The skydive was probably the craziest thing Ive done. After refusing to do a bungee jump because I was a bit scared of heights, I decided to do a skydive at 15000 feet! The plane ride up there was pretty nerve racking. The instructor I was with put his watch on the side which told you the height you were at. It only went up to 10 so I presumed that it was sometime before then. When I asked him if we were there when we reached 5 - because it was pretty damn high, he just laughed like it was some kind of joke! I was right at the back in between my instructors legs and had Elliotts cameraman between mine. I cant tell you how scared I was looking out of the window, I was scared of heights, what the hell was I doing here, in a tiny plane that looked like a child had made it with lolly pop sticks and a bit of pva!! The first guy jumped, then Elliott. He kind of shuffled me to the door so I was looking out, my last though when looking down ready to jump was...um, i really don't think I want to do this anymore. Jump was a bit of an extreme word, I was more pushed out, because there is no way I would be able to do it myself. For the first few seconds I wasn't too sure what was going on, and then realising I was free falling I tried to scream, but my mouth was flapping all over the place - I hate to think what the video of me doing it is like! The after a bit it was sooo cool, the view was amazing and when the camera woman came over and spun you around it was brilliant. Then I realised I was falling very fast and trued to scream again. When he pulled the parachute you drifted down leisurely, doing a few spins, seeing the lakes and snow capped mountains - very Lord of the Rings. The whole experience was amazing - a one n the life time for sure. x


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