Elliott and Simone's World Tour

This bloggers blog page is the journal for the journey that Simone and I are taking around the world.

Wednesday, January 31, 2007


Our next stop was Brisbane. We were actually there for around one day. This top was for 2 reasons, to sort out some trips we wanted to do further up the coast, and also to go to the koala sanctuary. We took an overnight bus, and arrived in the morning, grabbed a hostel near to the transit centre and set about sorting out 2 of the tours we really wanted to do. The first was on Fraser Island, which is an island entirely made of sand and requires a 4x4 with a snorkel. The second trip was a 3 day 2 night sailing trip to the Witsundays, a group of stunning islands which were recommended by everyone. This faffing about took most of the day, but we had to get an early night so that we could get to the Koala sanctuary early in the monrning as our bus was leaving in the afternoon.

The sanctuary was ace, and expectedly there were loads of koalas, mums and babys, batchelors, old ones, young ones... loads. The whole place smelt like eucaluptus and piss but they were incredibly cute and funny. They sleep around 20 hours a day, so most of the time they were either yawning or slumped on a branch. Elliott got a picture holding one - very cute - i'll have to try and post it at some point. Apart from the koalas, there were lizards, dingos, snakes, and kangaroos. We hadnt seen many famous Australian animals so felt we had to get them in some how. I liked the kangaroos- you were given food for them so they could slobber all over your hand - it was cool. We even saw a joey in its pouch. I always imagined theyd look delicately placed in peeping out, instead they looked like theyve been stuffed in arse first! We were only there a few hours before we had to bus it back ready for out bus up to hevey bay ready for our Fraser island trip. x


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