Elliott and Simone's World Tour

This bloggers blog page is the journal for the journey that Simone and I are taking around the world.

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Auckland and the end of NZ

Hi there guys and gals,

Our last stop in NZ was Auckland as we were flying from here and we wanted to sell our car to get some of our invested dollar back. Our journey back from the bay of islands was very slow due to traffic jams on the way, that appeared it be caused by a little town and a lot of cars (and traffic lights). A guy we met in the Bay of Is (Ian) we swapped him some wine for a lift back to Auckland. Pretty fair deal I'd say. Eventually we arrived back in the evening and we had problems finding a hostel with parking (something we hadn't had before, i.e. not having a car in a major city). We got one which was only 15mins walk from town but had free parking all over the street. Again we camped in the back garden to save money but at the same time having the facilities to use in the hostel.

The first two days in Auckland we just chilled out while at the same time trying to sort out the selling of our car. We had a few people look at the car, some noticed the oil and tyre problems and some just said they can't drive manuals. Eventually a guy came round, pointed out all of the bad points, and explained he would only pay a low amount. After some thought and not being able to sell the car, we gave in and took the money and ran. I think he thought he had done us over with the price, but we thought anyone buying the car had been done over. The car had loads of problems that one face value of buying the car you wouldn’t see. We lost very little money on the car, but still saved in the long run (loads actually).

Yesterday Simone and I went on a free tour of the city with one of the bus companies. Right at the start of the journey we pulled up outside the Auckland sky tower. The guide asked so does anyone want to do a sky jump. I throw my arm in the arm so hard it nearly came out of socket. He said right some with me. Wicked, free sky jump from the tower (192m) – ouch. When I got up there it was really high but I didn't feel too scared. I just got one with it, knowing it was free, made it felt even better. Good rush, but not worth the 172 dollar usual asking price. The rest of the tour was quality; the guide was really funny and knowledgeable. A Free and high quality tour, what more can one ask for. Sky tower poking out of the skyline.Off to Fiji next for some chillaxing (chilling and relaxing)/diving/travel stuff.


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